Thursday, August 11, 2011

an essay about love

What is the one emotion that has everyone mystified? What is the one emotion that has started as many wars as it has ended? What emotion has had more plays, songs, and stories written about it than anything else? Love, that one emotion that makes enemies into friends and friends into enemies. So many legends surround this emotion, from the goddess Athena and Helen of Troy to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

Love comes in so many different levels, that it doesn't appear to be the same emotion at all, but it is. There is so much to love, that it will be hard to put into this simple essay. It can tear people apart and make us do irrational things to bringing together entire nations. What can this emotion not do? It's hard to tell, but there is a lot it can.

This emotion, bring tears to our eyes when something happens to our family members, friends, and pets. When we feel love ripped from us, as in death or being spurned by another, we do things we wouldn't normally do, such as go on violent rampages, or mourn to the extent that our loved ones have to watch us constantly to make sure we don't try anything like suicide. Some can move on, always remembering the lost loved one after a while, but others can not let go. These are the ones that need our love and support the most.

There are so many levels to love, that I can only express a few of them here. These are the ones we see most in life. Friendship starts this list off. Yes, it doesn't seem like it, but we do feel love towards our friends, this is what helps us get along so well, and why we miss them when we don't see our friends for a long time. It's also why we hold certain friends over others no matter what happens. Sometimes, the bond between friends deepens to the point where a stronger bond of love is made, making them family.

Another level of love, are for our siblings and other family members. Even though we do things to our family members, and sometimes we don't like some of our family, that bond is still there. It's this family bond level of love that brought about the phrase, blood is thicker than water. We will do things for our brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, and children before we would even consider doing them for anyone else. Many wars have been started because of this family level, brother avenging brother or father, father protecting his wife and children, or even vice versa. This simple family bond can even extend to include our pets, amazingly enough, and that is a good thing.

A third level to love, is the bond that brings man and woman together. This level is among the strongest of them all. It is this level of love that has brought together kingdoms into nations in the past, and ended many great wars. It's is also for the love of a woman that has started a few of our well-known wars, like the Trojan Wars of ancient times. It's brought together families that have argued for years and years, such as in the Shakespearean play, Romeo and Juliet. Even though the two mentioned killed themselves in the end, it still brought their families together.

The last mentionable level of love is that bond between a mother and her children. There is no stronger, nor will there ever be. This bond starts from the very first tiny fluttering of movement and never ends, even after death of the child. A mother protects her children in the name of love, and directs them through life using it as the example to follow. Well, at least it should be. It's because of her children a mother will work at a job she hates, just to make sure they have everything they could ever want or need.

The phrase, love makes the world go round is very true. It's is our driving force, for what ever reason it may be. Poems, plays, and legends can only briefly touch the true meaning of love. We can only feel what that meaning is, and express it in ways only we can understand towards another. The true question we should be asking is not, what is life, but what is love.

What is love? I don't know, but I'll do what I can to express it to my son, my husband, my family and friends, and to every single pet I have or ever will own in the best possible way that I can.

essay about love

    Love is the greatest gift we can ever hope to give or receive.  Love is the one thing that can overcome so many of the difficult times that we are faced with in life.  Love is so powerful - it can turn frowns into smiles.  It can help mend the most broken heart.  It can even turn all of the ugliness in the world into the most beautiful portrait we could ever have the pleasure to behold.
     Such a monumental task - of course... it could be.  But only if we try to do it alone.  Instead, if each of us, in our own small way contributed just a little - together, the task can become the reality we're reaching for.
     As potent as what love can be, it can only work it's magic if we choose to allow it to.  For that to come to pass we must let go of the other emotions that can get in love's way.  How is that - you may wonder?
     Consider the thought that...
Anger - It's normal, but holding on to it indefinitely isn't really necessary.  Let it go...  Forgiveness is so much better for the soul than holding on to a grudge.  Not only will the person you're angry at be happier but so will you.
Harshness - Harsh words take just as much effort and energy as kind ones do.  Why not consider your choice of words before you speak them and choose gentler ones to get your point across.
Impatience - Aren't we all guilty of this at one time or another?  Keep reminding yourself of the old saying - "Patience is a virtue" - who wouldn't want to be a little more virtuous?  (Webster describes "virtuous" as being of moral quality or excellence)
Envy - We all know the saying here - "The grass is not always greener on the other side".  Take that to heart and concentrate on "fertilizing" and "watering" your own to get it just as "green" as your neighbors' "lawn".  You may wind up being the one envied instead.
Mistakes - We all make them!  So when someone else does, forgive them as you hope others would do for you.  Allow them to be "only human" and consider the fact that they didn't mean any harm by it.  Did you, when you made one?
Revenge - Someone always gets hurt by this one - and not always the one you expect to...  Why take that risk?
Expectations - Set them low enough that they are achievable - not so high that you fail to reach them.  No one wants to feel like a failure - neither you or the other person.  If you don't expect too much you will not be disappointed.
Perfection - We weren't born perfect, it's not something that can be learned, so why not accept the fact that it doesn't exist.  So many of us would breathe easier if this concept would just fade away.  I would, wouldn't you?
     Instead of any of the above, consider these options...
     Take the time to know each other's heart - when you do you will be more understanding and less apt to misunderstand another's intentions, which probably were never meant to hurt or upset you to begin with.
     Smile more often - it may cause a few wrinkles, at the very least, but then so does frowning.  You choose what kind you'd rather have.  And as you ponder that choice, keep in mind that they can both be contagious.  Wouldn't you rather be greeted by smiles than frowns?
     Love causes less stress, less heartache, less misunderstandings, less of just about everything negative.  Love does reap rewards - happiness, health, joy, peace, and so much more that's positive.  Isn't that what we want most for this world of ours?  Isn't this a much prettier picture?  Remember the portrait?  It's not impossible and we can all help to paint it.  We can at least try, right?  Think about it...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

,,,....egelloc stneduts,,,....

The college life experience is one of the things that students look forward to the most when planning on attending college.
When it comes to college, this is often the first time that you might be living away from home so you might be inclined to think that it's time to party without your parents to tell you otherwise.
Attending college - especially in your first year - can be a big shock to your system when you add up all the things that are happening.
There are many things you might find different from high school, things that you might need to quickly adjust to in order that you get the most out of your college life experience:

Sunday, July 3, 2011

my seLf....

              goOD daY,,,..Im Rica Marie Delos Reyes I live in Rizal St. R.C ,im 18 years old i am still studying in hercOr college taking up with Bachelor Computer science Ladderize,,,,!!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

me and kim bum

                                                               thats my idoL...